
Pet Memorial Garden

The loss of a pet can be as emotionally devastating as losing a family member or a loved one. It could be equated to the loss of a source of unconditional love, a companion that provides security and comfort, or even a substitute child. For this reason, it is important that we can accord our cherished companions with a farewell at the end of their lives that befitting of their stature in our lives.


Nirvana also offers the convenience of an exclusive thoughtful and hassle-free funeral service to celebrate the life of your animal companion with total peace of mind. It accords the highest dignity to mark your pet’s final journey and a way to permanently memoralise a transcendental relationship.

Our specialized service staff will provide your beloved pet with dignified ritual care and we encouraged you and your family’s presence and participation so that together you can be part of its final journey. Sorrow and grief are the natural responses in coping with loss, and we are there to assist. Nirvana offers burial and cremation services for pets; both handled with no less respect than we would with a loved one.

The process


Pick Up

Door-to-door pickup service to collect the remains of your pet. (The service is restricted to a location within a 35-km radius from Nirvana Memorial Centre, Kuala Lumpur).



The remains will be put into a seal bag with hygienic handling for transfer to the Pet Memorial Garden.



Disinfection of the remains.


Pet Casket

The remains are placed in the Pet Casket (standard design) and decorated with flowers.


Burial Hole

Burial hole dug and prepared for burial prior to the arrival of the remains at the Pet Memorial Garden.



The remains will be buried within 24 hours after arriving at the Pet Memorial Garden.



The casket is placed into the burial hole for burial. The burial plot will be thoughtfully landscaped.


Tomb Inscription

Tombstone complete with desired inscriptions is erected.

Pet Memorial Garden​

Burial Plot

Malaysia’s first official pet memorial garden. An animal companion to most people is more than just a pet; they are our best friend and family. That is why when the time comes to say goodbye, our love for them will want for nothing less to commemorate their undying devotion in a deserving place of rest.


There is absolutely no reason why your beloved animal companion can’t be commemorated in the same dignified manner upon cremation. After completing your farewells, your pet will be transported in our own specialised Pet Memorial Garden hearse to our own designated pet crematorium facilities.

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